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Farm Opening Delayed!

Hello from the farm. When last we were here we thought we would be opening, if everything went “somewhat” well in early June. This would have been two to three weeks later than normal. Well, time has moved on and the plants have not. Normally at this time the plants would look like beautiful 1/2 basketballs, all green with purple coming on as in the pictures that dot our website. The bad news is they look gray like the picture above. That is the bad news. The good news is that many/most of the plants have green in the center which means they are still alive. So, for the next few weeks we will be cutting back the gray and exposing the green. Also, other good news is that the young plants we planted last year are doing well plus we have planted an additional 400 new plants with 100 still to go in the ground. This year was a double hit;frigid winter temps followed by unseasonably warm weather followed by almost daily rains. And so, in answer to so many calls we will not be opening until mid to late June. We want you to know so we do not disappoint. Also,our shop should open at the same time. The weather is out of our control and it sure is playing havoc with our fields. Please stay tuned for exact dates and thank you for your patience!