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Fall Update

In our last blog we talked about the 12 days of lavender and now we are into the fall.
Just a reminder that our online store is open and that there will be no major waits because of international deliveries as our products are made right here in Kansas.
As for our hours the Farm is closed for the season but we hope to have one day of open house in November the date of which is still to be determined.
Also there is one question we would like to answer: how long does your lavender last? It really depends on the product. Our lavender fragrance will last for years. As an example more than 150 customers have told us they have been using our dryer sheets for more than a year. Folks have told us our eye pillows have lasted for more than four years, and our sachets in access of six years. We thank you for your continued support and look forward to seeing you later this fall or in the spring.

Please stay tuned!